Walk On and Supporting Artist Rate Card 2024
A Digest of Minimum Terms and Conditions
These rates apply to the continuing drama series (CDS) only.
For all other productions please refer to the PACT section below. Such rates are applicable to BBC productions (excluding the continuing drama series) from 1st February 2024.
Rates effective until 31st January 2025. A new rate card will be issued with rates effective 1st February 2025.
Supporting Artist is not required to give individual characterisation in a role or to speak dialogue beyond crowd noise or reaction.
Walk-on Artist is not required to give individual characterisation in a role but may be required to impersonate an identifiable individual, to accept individual direction and to speak a few unimportant unscripted words where the precise words spoken do not matter.
BBC Rate Card & Terms
£13.80 (day rate) £17.10 (night rate)
Overtime (per hour or part thereof)
Holiday Pay
£17.10 (day rate) £22.90 (night rate)
Overtime (per hour or part thereof)
Holiday Pay
£91.60 (day rate) £99.30 (night rate)
Special skills
Haircut very short
£52.52 (plus £5.64 holiday)
Costume fittings (4 hours)
Evening dress/uniform per day
£12.10 (per outfit per day)
2nd or more contemporary outfit
Nudity (per day)
Hours of work are 8 hours out of 9 hours a day
Normal Working Day/Night:
Night work is work scheduled either to extend beyond midnight or to begin between 10pm and 7am. Day work which extends unforeseen into work after 12.15am will be paid at night overtime.
Night Work:
When more than one programme is recorded in the day then an additional 50 per cent of the recording fee will be due.
Multi-episodic Payment:
If, when you are asked to sign off at the end of the day, you disagree with the grading, because you believe your performance was in a higher grade, sign off and write “disputed” on the form and contact your agent.
Signing off:
Recordings of performances may be used worldwide in all media and by any means of distribution now or in the future known.
Rates effective as of 1st April 2024.
Walk-on 1 is not required to give individual characterisation nor to speak any word or line of dialogue. Crowd noises shall not be deemed to be dialogue in this context.
Walk-on 2 (non-speaking) is not required to give individual characterisation but who is required to impersonate an identifiable individual subject under individual direction.
Walk-on 3 (speaking) in addition to carrying out the functions set out in Walk-on 2 shall also be required to speak a very few unimportant words where the precise words spoken do not matter.
TAC Welsh Independent Television
Walk-on 1 is not required to give individual characterisation or to speak scripted dialogue other than crowd noises, and who may take part in scenes on days when up to 50 Walk-on 1’s have been called. Walk-on 1 rates are negotiable but are subject to the minimum rates set out below exclusive of overtime and other additional payments.
Walk-on 2 is not required to give individual characterisation but who may be required to impersonate an identifiable individual and speak a few unimportant words.
PACT (incl. TV, SVOD & Feature Film)
This agreement is for TV, SVoD and Feature films made shooting outside a 40 mile radius of Charing Cross. Supporting Artist shall mean a person who appears before the cameras who shall not be required to give individual characterisation or speak any specified dialogue (except that crowd noises shall not be deemed dialogue in this context) and subject to any additional and subject to any additional requirements under Appendix SA2 of the PACT Equity Supporting Artist Agreement.
ITV Rate Card & Terms
Day of attendance/recording
£102.57 (inclusive of holiday pay at 12.07%)
Two episodes recorded
£127.11 (inclusive of holiday pay at 12.07%)
Three or more episodes recorded
£152.68 (inclusive of holiday pay at 12.07%)
Overtime (per hour or part thereof)
Day of attendance/recording
£131.54 (inclusive of holiday pay at 12.07%)
Two or more episodes recorded
£197.40 (inclusive of holiday pay at 12.07%)
Overtime (per hour or part thereof)
Day of attendance/recording
£156.57 (inclusive of holiday pay at 12.07%)
Two or more episodes recorded
£234.87 (inclusive of holiday pay at 12.07%)
Overtime (per hour or part thereof)
Special skills
Clothing hire/evening dress
Normal clothing per outfit
Costume fittings
£32.83 (half day) £65.63 (full day)
Evening dress/uniform per day
Strenuous work
Physical appearance/short haircut
Normal working day/night:
Eight hours’ work spread over nine hours.
Night Work:
Payment for night work is 1½ times the correct day rate.
Signing off:
If, when you are asked to sign off at the end of the day, you disagree with the grading, because you believe your performance was in a higher grade, sign off and write “disputed” on the form and contact your agent.
PACT Rate Card & Terms
Basic daily fee
Holiday pay
Costume fitting
£52.52 (up to 4 hours)
Costume fitting holiday pay
£5.64 (up to 4 hours)
£8.76 (per 30 mins or part thereof)
Public Holiday & Night Shoots
SP1 (Creative Contribution)
SP2 (Performance Skill)
SP3 (Personal property/service)
Normal working day:
9 hours plus one hour for lunch.
SP1 (Creative Contribution)
Where a Supporting Artist is required, either individually or as part of a group of no more than four Supporting Artists, to exercise their professional skills in relation to a cast member and/or in close-up to camera and/or may be required to impersonate an identifiable individual and/or speak a few unimportant words where the precise words spoken do not have an effect on the overall script or outcome of the story.
SP2 (Performance Skill)
Swimming, driving, dancing, horse riding, firearms
SP3 (Personal Property)
Change of clothing, special clothing, haircuts, inclement weather, wetting down, provision of vehicle.
TAC Rate Card & Terms
Full day
Half day
£17.82 Per hour or part hour
Repeat fee
Full day
£24.38 Per hour or part hour
Repeat fee
100% of agreed fee
Full day
Half day
Costume change
Appearance change
Special Skills
Demanding work
Mileage allowance per mile
Full day/night:
8 hours spread over nine hours
Half day:
Shall not exceed 4 hours. A half day engagement extending beyond four hours, payment shall be made at the appropriate full day rate.
Night work:
Shall mean work scheduled to extend beyond midnight or to begin between midnight and 7.00am.
Background artist
Background artist is not required to give individual characterisation nor to speak any word or line of dialogue except that background speech or noise shall not be deemed to be dialogue in this context. A background artist is a person or member of a group contributing to the overall authenticity and atmosphere of a scene. The individual or individuals in the group may be dressed in clothing identifiable with the role, calling or trade selected for each by the producer or advertiser and may be directed by the director to move and/or react as required on the set. Crowd noises can include community singing of well-known songs where words do not have to be learned.
Walk-on artist
Walk-on artist is an identifiable non-speaking artist, except that background speech or noise shall not be deemed to be speaking in this context, who shall be required to act individually in medium shot, or more closely, a special function peculiar only to the role, trade or calling that the character is supposed to portray and/or who, at the same time that his/her movements are recorded, is subject to individual direction and has a direct relationship with an actor (ie visual Featured Artist) who is performing his/her part as directed.
Minimum Rates and other Payments
Please contact the Equity office for details of current minimum rates and other payments.