Useful Tips
Creative Casting uses WhatsApp to contact you regarding castings and other queries. Please make sure to always respond to us. If you don’t have WhatsApp, please inform us, and we will contact you via text message.
If a member of the Creative Team calls you – please call us back as we will be waiting for your call back.
Being pencilled means you must keep that date free – if anything changes and you can no longer do the date, PLEASE inform us as soon as you find out.
Please make sure you CALL us for urgent queries as WhatsApp messages can sometimes be missed.
Please ensure you have up-to-date photos on your profile – you are being booked based on those photos; please inform us if your appearance has drastically changed.
Some productions require an up-to-date DBS.
Prepare for your day on Set
Please value your booking – every background artist has been carefully chosen for a reason. Dropping out of your booking means you let us down – AND the production. Dropping out will result in a strike, or you will be taken off our books completely.
Check your phone as your call time and address will be sent the afternoon/evening before.
Make sure you read the entire message as there will be important information that you need to be aware of.
Please follow costume, hair, beard, and makeup instructions properly, this is to ensure you fit the style of the film.
Make sure you plan your journey carefully, and PLEASE consider traffic.
It is very important that you are on time.
Bring a water bottle and a flask as most productions are trying to cut down on single-use plastic.
Don’t bring any valuables to set – and travel light. Only bring what is essential.
No makeup or nail polish – unless you have been told otherwise.
If you can’t attend due to medical reasons, please phone our mobile number, messaging us on WhatsApp is not enough!
Do’s & Don’ts on Set
Please arrive on time, and plan your route well in advance.
When you arrive to set – make sure you inform a crew member of your arrival. They will guide you to where you need to be.
You must complete your hours on set. The days may be longer than you expect so please be prepared for this. You cannot leave until they have released you.
Please make sure you follow the runner or AD’s instructions and do not leave set at any time.
Please do not speak to the main actors – unless they approach you first.
Do not adjust your costume or wig without the Costume Department's approval.
It is important that you do not share any information of the production on social media, or take any pictures of the set, or you in costume. Failure to follow this instruction will result in you being removed from our books.
Lastly – Please bring a good attitude and be professional. Filming can sometimes be difficult with long hours and bad weather. Remember you are representing Creative Casting. Bad behavior on set will reflect badly on us. But more than ever – we get incredible feedback about our lovely artistes. So, it’s important for us to maintain our reputation so that we can book you for more work.
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If your questions weren't answered in our FAQs or Useful Tips above, drop us a message at, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.